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March 23, 2011

A kid was split and repaired, over at the other website.  Please, leave a comment if you’ve ever had something similar happen.  I talk a big game about how I know I needn’t have been there, but the fact is, it’s awfully hard for me to let go.

6 Comments leave one →
  1. March 23, 2011 9:20 am

    Sounds like everything worked out well for your family…
    Unfortunately, I come from a completely different country – I DON’T trust my ex to watch out for or protect our child:

    (& that just describes Z’s worst injury while under his father’s supervision)

    Anyway, I would have been there w/screeching tires, but again, that’s just ME (also to supervise the MD’s work 😉

  2. March 23, 2011 12:33 pm

    Divorced or not, letting go is so tough – you are doing wonderfully. Your boys sound like gems, like their Mama.

  3. March 24, 2011 11:04 am

    When my husband got deployed the first time and I was 5 or 6 months pregnant, I was alone with my girls (then 4 and 2) at the park when the 2 year old decided to climb the fence to the closed wading pool. She fell straight on her head on the other side of the fence! I have never felt more helpless and desperate, and I couldn’t believe I had to figure all of that out with my husband gone. Someone else in the park with a cell phone climbed the fence and called 911, there was an ambulance ride to Children’s Hospital that seemed to take forever, and some neighbors were nice enough to drive our car out to us so we could eventually get home. My baby’s head was pretty scratched up and she had a winner of a bump for awhile, but we knew she was fine when someone came into our hospital room to check on her and she said, “What’s up, doc?” And of course the 4 year old just kept talking about how great the ambulance ride was.

    I’ve often wondered in our situation which would be worse: Being the parent dealing with every crisis alone, or the one so completely removed that he shouldn’t even be informed of such things. Telling my husband about problems he couldn’t help with would have only distracted him, and he couldn’t afford to be distracted in Iraq because it would put himself and others in danger. As unhappy as that ambulance ride made me, it was probably preferable to being out of the loop and hoping all was well.

  4. March 24, 2011 12:04 pm

    Ouch. Hope your young fella heals quickly. We had a harrowing event last summer while my boys were with their dad. (I have been repeatedly reassured that “chicks dig scars.”)

    Hang in there, girl.

  5. youngest wren of nine permalink
    March 25, 2011 6:40 am

    I haven’t seen anyone commenting on the new look of the blog — am I the only one reading this on an iPad? I wish WordPress had left it alone — not only is all this “swiping” getting on my nerves (I’ll have an arthritic thumb if this goes on), it’s also made browsing by date really hard. And the entries take longer to come up, too. Grrr.

    • irretrievablybroken permalink*
      March 25, 2011 8:28 am

      I don’t know what you mean, but it sounds stupid and terrible. I haven’t changed anything, so it must be entirely WordPress. How annoying.

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